Monday, February 11, 2013


One morning,
I got "kenneled up"
and ready to go 
on a field trip.
I wanted to see
the first place that my peeps
ever heard about me. 

 Mom said the first time
she ever saw me
that I was on this screen -
how in the world did I get
all the way up there?
 Here I am -
can you see me?
I'm in there along with my sister
and three brothers.
 The day that we went on
our field trip,
a digital xray system
was being installed at
The Carroll Veterinary Clinic -
now they have the capibility
to email xrays anywhere.

 Krista was my escort for the day.
First she showed me the scales -
you all know a lady doesn't
want you to see her true weight,
so I just put a paw over the edge -
Krista's pretty smart -
she caught me in that trick!

I got to tip-toe in this room
and see what was in the cage.

 I know my photo is not
really the best, but can you see -
I had never seen a cat before.
Don't you think
we could be friends?

Look at me -
what a huge run!!
I asked if I could stay here
when my Peeps 
had to go out of town.   

But Krista said that
little pups like me
had to stay in these nice crates -
almost like being right at home.
 Check out all of those food bowls

 just waiting to get filled up
with this great food!!

There could be a problem here -
you can even get a bath!
And this tub is big enough
to hold my whole dog family.

 I got to see where my
dog-mom came to get
her teeth cleaned.

 And where she got her surgery
so that she can't have
any more puppies.

And I even saw where the
doctors and nurses take a break -
It looks like one of them
literally took a break - BOL!!  

 See those happy nurses 
in the lab -
sometimes they help my Vet
take my temperature
or run some test.
 This is where Dr. Adams
examines me
and talks with my human Mom.

 He always stresses
the importance
of keeping your 
pets happy and healthy.

Your roving reporter,


  1. Celti you are such a wonderful tour guide! Your vet's office looks so nice! It looks like you had a wonderful visit!

  2. I am owned by a wonderful Rocky Creek Scottie...Celti's brother from Lilly's last litter. Argyle is a wonderful dog and I am jealous of the wonderful place Lynn has to bring her Scots!

  3. What a wonderful trip Celti so exciting and so nice to see how much you are growing...pretty girl.....
    I am sure they will have you back to escort others you did such a wonderful job.....!!!!!!!

  4. Celti looks so grown up! I'm owned by her 1/2 brother Arlo from Carrleigh's 2nd litter at Rocky Creek Farms. I'm so happy that her trip was a positive one, they are very nice for taking you on a tour.

  5. Hey Celti, Thanks much for the tour of you Vet , staff and complex, this guys look like doggie loving peeps, bet they really took good care of you

    Susie & Sidebite

  6. Great tour Celti. Did you find out where they hide the treats? That's the most important part of any vet trip.
    Morgan, Sebastian, the Porties, Syd and Mac

  7. Very neat to have Celti giving this tour. She is a special tour guide. You'll have to keep her on retainer. Bol. A very lovely & up to date veterinary clinic.
    Smooches from pooches,
    BabyRocketDog & Hootie

  8. Celti's a cutie let me tell you! Thanks for taking care of the Rocky Creek Scotties Dr. Jim and friends!

    And, oh, by the way, welcome to Blogville!

    AroOOOO, Stuart
